Written by Taco & Elise Olmstead.

Larry Keel, flat-picking champion, is one of those characters that we can’t get enough of.  His shows get rowdy and weird, and all of his songs have a lot of heart.  The Larry Keel Experience will be at The Blue Side Tavern in Frederick, MD, this Friday February 17th, so warm up with some whiskey and an intimate show.  We took a minute out of Larry Keel’s busy schedule to throw some questions at him that we knew he’d have good answers: a little bit of music, a little bit a fishing, and a lot of love.


  1. Morning person or night person? Both.
  2. What’s your favorite camping food? PB&J.
  3. Favorite place to camp? By a river.
  4. Favorite place to fish? Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, Idaho.
  5. Whose music has you hooked lately? Django Rienhardt.
  6. What do you consider the best song ever made? “Imagine,” by John Lennon.. also, “America the Beautiful.”
  7. Which musician do you most identify with? Tony Rice.
  8. What’s your favorite piece of clothing? Tennis shoes.
  9. Dogs or cats? Cats are easier to have for a traveler like me, but I love both really.
  10. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?  Anywhere that’s natural and beautiful, not many people.
  11. Favorite place to visit? With my family.
  12. Where do you like to stand when you get to attend someone else’s show?  On the side of the room or crowd.
  13. Favorite Venue? Anywhere folks are celebrating good music and being cool to one another.
  14. Most treasured possession?  Life itself.
  15. What do you like the most about your friends?  No hidden agendas.
  16. What is your favorite song to play? “Trance” (I wrote it).
  17. Biggest pet peeve?  Know-it-alls.
  18. What always make you smile?  My wife, my family.
  19. Favorite fly for fly fishing?  Double bunny streamer.
  20. What’s your biggest luxury?  I’m a simple person – not really into material luxury.. I like fine dining once in a while.
  21. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?  Cultivate love, kindness, compassion…don’t worry so much, ’cause half the things (or more) that you worry about never happen…follow your heart, or your inner voice, and make your dreams happen.

Larry Keel will also be in Shepherdstown, WV at Opera House Live on Saturday March 18th, Gypsy Sally’s in DC on Saturday March 25th, and many more cities near you.  Click here to view their full tour.