October 28-29, 2017
Ukranian Homestead, 1230 Beaver Run Dr, Lehighton, PA
Are you forlorn about festival season recently coming to an end? Then don’t pack up your tent just yet — Keystone Harvest Test is coming up next weekend October 28-29! This Pennsylvania harvest themed festival takes place at Ukranian Homestead in Lehighton, PA (be sure to make special note of the location as it has changed), and will feature tons of local jam bands to fill your Halloween with psychedelic splendor.
Grateful Dead and their legacy of music ring through as the theme of this festival, there are many bands that will be playing Grateful Dead covers as well as original singer/songwriters and bands with funky, jazzy, and experimental sounds. Stronger Than Dirt, featuring an all-star lineup of members including Wes Fahringer, Sunny Dee, Eric Harvey, Jose Teran, and Mike Whalen will be headlining with their loving renditions of Grateful Dead tunes, as well as the tribute band Half Step, and JoJo Stella, the funky improvisational band from Ohio. Original Merry Pranksters Hardly Visible and Anonymous X will be there, along with master of ceremonies Uncle Joe D! It will truly be a family affair, so don’t hesitate to set up your camp under the harvest moon.
Music starts Saturday at 2 PM with Janelle Vibes, and continues through Sunday evening until Halfstep’s set from 4:30PM-??? Camping is included free with your ticket, and feel free to set up on Friday night for home movies and pre-gaming. There will be a costume contest so don’t hesitate to come dressed to impress!