Any reason is a good reason to visit Denver; it seems each year the draw to go there grows stronger and stronger. It may be those big ole Rocky Mountains that catch your eyes or the heart of an adventure junkie, or maybe because it hosts one of the best outdoor music venues – Red Rocks – and you want to see your favorite band play there, or those lovely progressive laws they just keep passing. Whatever your reasoning is for making the trek out west, whether for a vacation or to relocate, it is a destination spot for the Jamwich fan-base.

The weekend of December 13th and 14th, I’m encouraging you to check out the band Three Days in the Saddle and their shows that are happening in the Denver area and go dancing! Have you heard about the 2nd Annual Xmas Boogie? It is hosted by Three Days in the Saddle – a Denver based psychedelic cowboy-boogie jam band that will be playing covers as well as their own originals. They will be playing both nights at Be On Key Psychedelic Ripple at 1700 Logan Street in Denver. This venue is known for being a Grateful Dead haven – hosting jam bands multiple times a week, like Phish Thursdays that Phour Point O participate in frequently, and its walls are lined with music memorabilia and artwork. The bar itself is an awesome spot to check out any night of the week if you’re ever in Denver, as a music lover I search for these kind of venues on all my travels and they never seem to disappoint.

The Xmas Boogie starts on the later side of the evening with music beginning at 9pm; giving you ample time to enjoy some of the other amazing musical acts that are playing this weekend in Denver. Billy Strings is playing a three night sold out show just a little ways up the road at the Ogden, letting this be the perfect stop after as you finish you night out. To purchase tickets in advance it will cost you $10 till November 29th, prices will increase after that to $15 then will cap at $20 at the door. Tickets can be purchased online at their website, saddleup-colorado.com. While you’re at their site check out some of their live audio shows, new video and see a list of their upcoming shows. In true Dead style, seeing them live is the way they plan to you win your heart. Three Days in the Saddle will be playing both nights and I think you will like what you hear. I was so impressed with their female vocalist, Alyssa Medina when I heard her sing “Bound for Glory” I thought I clicked the wrong link and was listening to Susan Tedeschi singing, but NO it was Alyssa Medina. I don’t think I have ever heard anyone cover that song as well as Susan but Alyssa sure has a fighting chance. I am extremely excited to see what she has up her sleeve. They have a great sound and killed all the covers I heard them play, keeping their own unique style sound while covering bands like The Grateful Dead and The Allman Brothers. They are still fairly new to the scene coming together in 2017, but they are picking up speed. They just recorded a new video filmed at Be On Key, at which they sold out the venue!

This will be their second time hosting an Xmas Boogie and truly scored some awesome musicians to play with them. Friday night they will share the stage with Jessica Jones Project. Jessica Jones is known her as power house vocals being compared to Janis Joplin and Joss Stone. She has her roots based in Jazz, Funk, Blues and R&B she currently plays with several groups as well as solo shows covering everything from Hip-Hop to Motown to a Hendrix Tribute band – Gypsy Soul. I am super excited for Friday because she’ll be treating us with a Led Zeppelin themed show. Saturday night they will give you both sides of the spectrum with a Denver-based Phish cover band – Phour Point O. This band is something you don’t want to miss! I have heard people say they are, “the best Phish cover band in all the land.” These guys are not just recreating the sounds that they love to listen to from their favorite band, but they take it deep, expressing their love and respect for the experience. They will not only make you hear the music but you will feel it, too; something only the greatest jam bands can do. This is a musically packed weekend in Denver and with this late-night party you can add hours of music to your night with some of Denver’s finest local musicians. Go from bluegrass’s quickest picker Billy Strings or the leaders in trashgrass, The Rumpke Mountain Boys’ show and then head on over to this year’s Xmas Boogie as your night-capper. We will be here, bringing down the house so come on and play with us. Woah spooky, with all this happening on Friday the 13th who knows what might happen? I know it’ll be adding a little magic to the air and you’ll have to be there to feel it. The nights will be long – and my legs will be sore, but my heart and soul will be full!

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