If you’ve been to a show with Kevin Lamb, you would almost certainly recognize him. Known as “6’7″ Kevin” with a personality to match, Kevin stands out in a crowd. He’s the type of guy to start a conversation with you out of nowhere. He’s known for encouraging crowds to gather right in front of the stage for massive group pictures at Electric Forest daytime sets. Underneath that unmistakable visage of positivity lies a thoughtful, caring man who is simply looking to bring out the best in himself and others, no matter the situation.

Music has always been an influence on his life. He’s looked to music for inspiration and guidance. One of the lyrics he points to as a guide is from The Avett Brothers. “If you’re loved by someone you’re never rejected/ decide what to be and go be it.” Using that line as motivation, Kevin has decided to be many different things. A lifelong writer, a concert photographer, a manager and booker, a brand ambassador, Kevin has put his full passion into all of those things. However, if there is one thing that Kevin tries to be, it’s a positive force on others. “I want to give people the permission to meet new people, to step out of their comfort zone, to interact with great people that they may not otherwise have.”

That attitude is the impetus behind the Good Sign movement. Working with Good Sign founder Eric Dennis, Kevin has crafted that idea and philosophy into a worldview that encourages him to look for opportunities to bring positivity to the world. He’s taken this idea and used it to guide him when he’s done work in his community, such as handing out packages for homeless residents. He also uses it to help guide his work as a writer. He says that being a Good Sign ambassador has helped him be accountable to the person he wants to be. “When you have a big yellow beacon of good news it forces you to have a good attitude.”

While the Good Sign movement has given him a certain level of motivation and impetus, living a big life of big positivity is nothing new to him. A lifelong writer, sports fan, music fan, and empath, Kevin has always felt he had the gift of bringing positivity into the world. He says “I chose this life and this body prior to being me.” His family, his wide circle of friends, and even the music community as a whole has typically encouraged and strengthened the energy that Kevin works to bring into spaces. He’s been recognized from the stage and on social media by bands that he’s interacted with. He’s handed out countless stickers and given even more random hugs throughout his years. And what he’s put out into the world he’s received back in return.

More recently, Kevin began working with Dixon’s Violin as a booker, tour manager, and whatever else Dixon might need at any given time. During the pandemic, Kevin booked Dixon in a variety of “alternative” locations. Physically distanced intimate backyard shows became the norm over the summer, and Dixon started spending time in Florida doing similar shows once the weather turned cold. He’s also working with a friend who owns an RV park and campground in Michigan, helping to create a boutique of offerings, including wine tastings, yoga, music offerings, and other holistic health and entertainment options.

While Big Kevin is obviously missing the usual live shows and community that he would have been engaging with throughout recent months, he’s still focusing on the positive. He’s used the time to adjust his outlook, his expectations, and how he plans to move forward. He wants to continue telling the stories of the bands he loves and the people he meets. Out of everything that Kevin is, one of his biggest legacies may end up with him being a sort of musical historian, telling the stories of the musical community through his own experiences. Whatever direction he ends up moving next, you can be sure that he’ll be taking his glowing beacon of personal positivity with him to share with everyone around him.

Kevin Lamb is currently working with Dixon’s Violin. Tour dates for Dixon’s Violin can be found at https://www.facebook.com/dixonsviolin