All Good Festival to Return in 2015, Taking Hiatus for 2014

Organizers Release Statement With Plans to Bring Back the Festival 


After 17 consecutive years the All Good Music Festival is taking a year off in 2014 with solid plans to return in 2015 at an unspecified venue. Festival organizers Tim Walther and Junipa Contento are taking this time to develop and cultivate a long-term location for the return of All Good Festival by bringing it back home to the mid-Atlantic region, where they have proudly presented live music events for the past 18 years.


“We want all of our fans to know that we are extremely grateful for all of their support, dedication and the cherished experiences we’ve had on the mountaintop and elsewhere, and to rest easy knowing that the All Good Festival that we’ve all built together and loved for so long will return in the summer of 2015. Meanwhile, we will continue to present live music events in the Baltimore/Washington DC area.”


To get the latest All Good Festival information fans are encouraged to register for email updates at Fans of the event are also welcomed to sound off by sharing support, feedback, memories, photos and more at